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Sen. Bernie Sanders On Super Tuesday: Can’t Beat Trump With ‘Same Old Kind Of Politics’ | NBC News
Sanders: Can't beat Trump with 'same old' politics
Sanders: Biden can't beat Trump
Who can beat Donald Trump: Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden? | UpFront (Arena)
Sanders: Our campaign is the one to beat Trump
Super Tuesday: Bernie Sanders Still Confident He Can Beat Trump
Jeff Weaver: Biden Endorsers Support Same Old Ideas That Led To Trump | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC
Sanders: Can't beat Trump with 'same old' politics
Bernie Sanders drops truth bomb: The US is an oligarchy
Walt's Blender: A Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump debate face-off could be epic
Sanders: We're going to win the nomination and defeat President Trump
Sen. Sanders: To Defeat Trump, Joe Biden Has To Bring New People Into His Political World